Saturday 6 February 2016

Blindfold Pottery Throwing

One of my students in tonight's pottery class was doing pottery for the first time in her life and she did something that left me almost speechless. Imagine a person throwing on the wheel for the first time and not looking at her own hands, or clay or even the entire wheel for that matter. I asked her if this was somehow easier than looking at what she was doing. And she said she felt like the revolving of the wheel, clay and water on it, and all the moving parts were distracting her when she looked down at her hands. And instead looking straight ahead of her and throwing based solely on the feeling of clay in her hands was giving her much more stability and understanding of what was going on in and under her hands. The best part waas that she made 4 great looking bowls in this first class. She was not wrong in going along with the feel of it instead of relying on her eyes. I think she understood and felt the very essence of throwing in doing so. I thought this was outstanding. It made so much sense. I wonder if I could start delivering this message to my future students and have them to try to throw without looking and only relying on the feeling of clay in their hands...


  1. I read or saw a video where someone who was blind painted and another person who was blind threw pots, interesting concepts

  2. I read or saw a video where someone who was blind painted and another person who was blind threw pots, interesting concepts
